Solving the Equation x2+(y-3√2x)2=1 Meaning and Solution

Solving the Equation x2+(y-3√2x)2=1 Meaning and Solution

In the vast expanse of mathematical inquiry, equations like x2+(y32x)2=1 serve as intriguing puzzles awaiting interpretation. Amidst the myriad of mathematical mysteries, this particular equation stands out as a captivating enigma. While its appearance may seem daunting at first glance, beneath its intricate facade lie profound insights and practical applications awaiting discovery and understanding.

Understanding the Equation’s Essence:

Before delving into a thorough exploration of its significance and utility, let’s carefully dissect and decipher the components of the equation to establish a solid foundation of understanding.

Formulating the Equation:

The equation x2+(y32x)2=1 adopts the standard form of a circle equation. In this canonical expression, the equation defines a circle with its center precisely positioned at the origin (0,0) and a radius extending to a length of 1 unit.

Deconstructing the Equation:

Breaking down the equation reveals its constituent elements:

  • : Represents the square of the x-coordinate of any point situated on the circle.
  • : Denotes the square of the difference between the y-coordinate and three times the square root of 2 multiplied by the x-coordinate of a point residing on the circle.
  • : Signifies that the sum of the squares of these two components must equate to the number 1, representing the squared value of the circle’s radius.

Visualizing the Equation:

To gain a deeper intuitive understanding, let’s visualize the equation by plotting it on a Cartesian plane.

Interpreting the Circular Geometry:

Upon graphing the equation, a visually striking circular geometry emerges. This circular contour, with a radius of 1 unit, is precisely centered at the origin. Essentially, the equation encapsulates and defines all conceivable points (x, y) that satisfy its mathematical constraints.

Focus on the Geometric Center and Radii:

Within this circular representation, the center serves as a pivotal anchor point, steadfastly positioned at the origin (0,0). The radius extends outward to a distance of 1 unit, defining the circular boundary. Any point (x, y) lying on the circumference adheres to the equation’s constraints.

Practical Applications:

Having elucidated the equation’s mathematical essence and graphical representation, let’s explore its tangible applications across diverse domains.

Electrical Engineering:

In electrical engineering, the equation is utilized to establish precise boundaries, aiding in the layout and design of circuit boards.


Within physics, the equation describes the trajectory of particles undergoing circular motion, offering insights into their dynamic coordinates.


In geometry, the equation is fundamental in crafting circular shapes, facilitating the design of optical instruments like mirrors and lenses.


In summary, the equation 𝑥2+(𝑦−32𝑥)2=1while initially enigmatic, reveals itself as a fundamental representation of a circle. Its visual depiction and practical applications in electrical engineering, physics, and geometry underscore its significance and versatility across diverse disciplines.

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