CID Full Form

CID Full Form: What is CID?

CID Full Form: The CID (Crime Investigation Department) is a specialized branch of the Indian State Police dedicated to the prevention, detection, and investigation of crimes. Established under the Delhi Police Act of 1946, CID was created to replace the outdated Police Act of 1861 enacted by the British Government. This unit is tasked with handling high-profile and priority cases within the state police system.

What Does CID Stand For?

CID stands for Crime Investigation Department. This particular branch of the Indian police was initially set up during British rule. It is led by the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) and focuses on significant cases such as breaking up crime syndicates and solving high-profile murders. Investigations carried out by CID teams often involve constables and peons working under the supervision of Superintendents of Police. For instance, CID, Tirunelveli, handles investigations in that specific region. CID Full Form

CID Full Form: The History of CID

The CID’s history dates back to British rule in India. The British established this unit to assist the police in maintaining law and order across the country. CID’s primary function is to collect, process, and analyze information from various parts of the country to aid law enforcement agencies. The department investigates a range of serious crimes including murder, terrorism, smuggling, corruption, trafficking, kidnapping, and rioting. For example, the CID was tasked with investigating the 2002 Gujarat pogroms. CID Full Form

Role and Structure of CID: CID Full Form

CID (Crime Investigation Department) is an intelligence and investigation wing of the Indian State Police. Headquartered in Pune, it is directed by the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) and handles cases specified by the Indian government and the Director General of Police (DGP). CID’s specialized units ensure comprehensive and detailed investigations, often forwarding complex cases to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for further action. CID Full Form

CID’s contributions are critical in maintaining law and order and ensuring justice in high-profile cases throughout India.

How Does CID Work?

The primary role of the Crime Investigation Department (CID) is to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding a crime. CID operates under specific guidelines: CID Full Form

  • Non-Political Use: CID should not be used for political purposes.
  • Distinct from Regular Police: CID operates differently from standard police investigation units.
  • Case Limitation: CID can only be approached once per case for investigation.

Evidence Collection and Evaluation by CID

CID (CID Full Form) employs specialized investigators known as “Divisional Investigating Officers” (DIOs), who are recruited by CID’s selection board and undergo 12 months of training. In some cases, CID also hires private individuals for investigations. CID is dedicated to solving severe, complex, and sensitive crimes, and thus, they do not engage in standard criminal cases. CID utilizes a comprehensive computerized system for its operations.

Ranks in CID: CID Full Form

The Crime Investigation Department is the largest crime investigation organization within the Indian Police. It handles cases involving severe penalties such as death or life imprisonment and other significant crimes. The CID structure includes 17 offices, each headed by an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) and assisted by a Sub-Inspector (SI). CID Full Form

Some of the ranks within CID are:

  • Police Inspector
  • Deputy Inspector
  • Inspector
  • Sub-Inspector
  • Assistant Superintendent of Police (DySP)
  • Other specialized ranks as needed


CID Full Form: Crime Investigation Department. CID is a specialized branch of the police dedicated to investigating serious crimes based on evidence collected from the crime scene, witness accounts, and other relevant information. Unlike regular police investigations, CID cases require thorough and precise evidence collection and evaluation.

If you witness a crime, it is crucial to report it to the police and provide any evidence you may have. Reporting helps ensure justice and safety, but always be mindful of the risks associated with personal involvement.

FAQs about CID Full Form

What does CID stand for?

CID stands for Crime Investigation Department. It is a specialized branch of the Indian State Police dedicated to the prevention, detection, and investigation of crimes.

When was CID established and under what legislation?

CID was established under the Delhi Police Act of 1946. It was created to replace the outdated Police Act of 1861 enacted by the British Government.

What are the primary functions of CID?

The primary functions of CID include collecting, processing, and analyzing information to aid law enforcement agencies, investigating serious crimes such as murder, terrorism, smuggling, corruption, trafficking, kidnapping, and rioting, and handling high-profile and priority cases.

How is the CID structured and who leads it?

CID is led by the Additional Director General of Police (ADGP). It consists of specialized units and 17 offices, each headed by an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) and assisted by a Sub-Inspector (SI). The structure also includes various ranks such as Police Inspector, Deputy Inspector, and other specialized roles.

How does CID differ from regular police units?

CID operates under specific guidelines that ensure it is distinct from regular police investigation units. It is dedicated to solving severe, complex, and sensitive crimes, employs specialized investigators, and utilizes a comprehensive computerized system. CID cases often involve a higher level of evidence collection and evaluation compared to standard police cases.

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